

Friday, January 28, 2011

Don't You Know That You Are A Superstar???

     "They announced it,"  I can't get Norm's voice, Margie's huband, in the movie, Fargo, out of my head. While Norm is relating a small victory in a stamp design contest ("it's the 2 center"... "the mallard")  he is merely a bit player while the larger world swirls around him. All the while his character's existence illustrates  the central theme of the movie, ' real happiness in life is to love and enjoy your family, and be happy with what you have'.  What they announced last night was of much larger importance to Chicago sports fans wether they realize it or not. Derrick Rose, the uber talented, unassuming 22 year old point guard was just voted in as a starter for the upcoming NBA All Star Game. He is the first starter in the contest since Michael Jordan in 1998!!  Chicago Bulls basketball has been as relevant as Norm and as cold as Fargo N.D. ever since Phil Jackson, Michael Jordan and company decided 6 titles were enough and packed it in. There have been fits and starts in the last 12 years but decidely more stumbles than rumbles; Ben Wallace, overpaying a worn out Scottie Pippen, getting used as a pawn by D'wayne Wade in last summer's free agency circus to name just a few. But, with credit to John Paxson we now have half of last years Utah Jazz lineup and the Bulls have practically clinched their division and a playoff spot before the All Star game! The Bulls are finally a hot ticket again!! Let's admit it, Bulls basketball has been largely unwatchable the last decade and a half!! The driving force behind this ressurgance is the aforementioned 22 year old. His talent level has never been questioned,  but during most of his first two seasons he was either afraid to take the reins of the team or largely unaware that he could. With super sulker Ben Gordon gone, Rose has blossomed into the team leader we have all been hoping he would. Maybe it takes a few seasons to become seasoned in the NBA and or we forget the guy is still only 22 years old!! How many of us would have been ready to assume this much responsibility so early in life?? Either way it is highly refreshing to have the Bulls back in serious contention. While the NBA All Star game is irrelevant, as most sport's are, Derrick Rose's selection to play in it is not. It means so much more as I have previously mentioned. It not only signifies we have a viable 'superstar'  on the Bulls again but it tells the league the Bulls are back and ready to compete for the title again! I'm talking to you, Miami!
     This brings me to Derrick Rose's character. While all the money and fame that are flowing his way, with the success he's had thus far, his response to his All Star selection is most refreshing of all. When asked how he felt about the vote, he replied, ".....I'd be happy for myself, but it's nothing like I'm going to have a bunch of people over and celebrate. I don't know why. That's just the way I am."  That makes me want to hug the guy!!  Does Derrick Rose realize how level headed and mature that sounds?? (Patrick Kane grab a pencil) Probably not. He's not trying to be someone he's not. He's as grounded as Norm from Fargo. He's simply an unassuming guy with crazy skills from Chicago doing what he loves to do. It just so happens he does that in front of 20,000 hometown fans every night while poster dunking on the NBA's elite. At some point he will have to let the fans into his world.  Learn to relate to his fanbase. If and when he does he has the potential to reach Jordanesque heights. Until then we are left to ask him one question, "Dont you know that you are a superstar?" "Don't you know??"  Dave Kuhlman   bullsbearscubssoxhoxx    dave@onyerleft.com

(my apologies to Bad Company for bending your lyrics)

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